Drukas gumijas
Kinyo ietverot vienus no inovatīvākajiem ražosanas standartiem ir radījis produktus, kas iegūti pieredzes, pētniecības un attīstības programmu rezultātā. Virsmas materiāli ir rūpīgi izstrādāti, lai tie atbilstu konkrētām drukas prasībām. Kinyo ir izstrādājis savu tehnoloģiju, lai nodrošinātu visaugstākās prasības.
Mums ir visaptveroša Kinyo gumiju izvēle, kas radītas un ražotas saskaņā ar visaugstākajiem standartiem, lai nodrošinātu visaugstāko izturību un funkcionalitāti jebkuram pielietojumam.
Kinyo ir viens no pirmajiem uzņēmumiem, kas izmanto tehnoloģijas, kas nesatur šķīdinātājus. Kinyo apvieno vides saderību ar unikālu produkta kvalitāti.
Kinyo klienti var paļauties uz mūsu pakalpojumu kvalitāti un tehnisko atbalstu.
Europa | 1.68mm / 1.95mm | Versatile blanket designed for use on a wide range of sheetfed applications and press types. The specially developed combination of compressibility and surface roughness combine to give Europa a perfect balance between dot reproduction and paper release. | |
Talos | 1.95mm | Soft compressible blanket with excellent rebound characteristics designed to resist crashes/paper marking and extend lifetime on press. | |
Vitesse | 1.95mm | The buffed and ground surface on Vitesse provides excellent dot reproduction combined with a robust carcass construction to maximize lifetime on press. | |
Eos | 1.95mm | Quick release high quality blanket specially designed for high speed presses. The thick compressible layer combined with the strong carcass provides uniform pressure and accurate register. | |
Artemis | 1.95mm | High quality packaging blanket designed to give optimum ink transfer and dot reproduction. The robust structure and excellent recovery makes Artemis a long lasting top quality blanket. | |
Saturn | 1.95mm | Dual blanket providing a high level of resistance to attack from aggressive chemicals. This minimizes the risk of problems caused by the effect of swelling/ghosting. The combination of compressibility and surface roughness combine to give Saturn a perfect dot reproduction and paper release balance. | |
MC5000R | 1.30mm / 1.68mm / 1.95mm | Quick release blanket specially designed for high speed presses. The specially developed surface rubber gives MC5000R a high level of resistance to chemical attack and mechanical abrasion. |